Leadership Training
EXION has developed a concept called TEAM LEADERSHIP – LEADERSHIP BY A TEAM that is tailored to each customer’s needs in terms of contents, duration and intensity. The modules of the program are
Seeing beyond the horizon
Strategic Thinking
Leadership teams cannot think operationally and strategically at the same time. Operational thinking is linear, deductive, safe, process focused, pre-programmed and defined by clear boundaries. Strategic thinking, on the other hand, is iterative, unpredictable, intuitive, creative, ambitious and even anxiety provoking. To know how and when to apply strategic thinking is a leadership quality that needs to be exercised.

Understanding of Self
Personal Leadership
What we think about ourselves, how we choose to relate to others, the attitude we have in the meeting with unknown, different or frightening situations or people, will influence how we make decisions. To be aware of our inner self and how we connect to others is a leadership quality that needs to be exercised.
making others see what we see
Communication and Public Speaking
Communication and public speaking – making others see what we see
To ensure that our intended meaning is what is perceived by others, we need to understand the mechanisms that are at play from the thought is borne in our minds until the listener has decided what it was we tried to convey. This is valid in one-on-one conversations, meetings, in public speaking and when we communicate through impersonal channels like the web, articles or YouTube videos. The ability to communicate effectively is a leadership quality that needs to be exercised.
To ensure that our intended meaning is what is perceived by others, we need to understand the mechanisms that are at play from the thought is borne in our minds until the listener has decided what it was we tried to convey. This is valid in one-on-one conversations, meetings, in public speaking and when we communicate through impersonal channels like the web, articles or YouTube videos. The ability to communicate effectively is a leadership quality that needs to be exercised.

making cultural differences work for you
Cultural Competence in foreign Business markets
Too often, not understanding cultural differences and how our own cultural condition influences what we perceive, has prevented great value from being created. Working and negotiating in a different culture require skills that need to be learned. To understand and deal with cultural differences is a leadership quality that needs to be exercised.